After COVID-19, you might have a strong desire to remodel your home. Perhaps it started with pricing bathroom vanity tops in the Montgomery County area or comparing paint colors for that spare bedroom. Eventually, your attention will probably turn towards the big project lurking in the background: your kitchen. As one of the most active rooms in your home, it’s…
After closing our doors for over a month due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Suburban Marble, Granite, & Tile is proud to announce that we are reopening our storefront in a limited capacity. Starting on May 1st, we will be offering our line of marble, granite, and quartz countertops to Ocean City and the surrounding areas to customers by appointment…
With spring and summer shindigs right around the corner, you’re sure to want your home looking perfect. You can make sure your kitchen gets a little shine of its own by redoing your kitchen countertops. Suburban Marble, Granite & Tile can give you the look you’ve always wanted with a new granite kitchen countertop and accompanying backsplash. The time to…
Granite is great. Besides the fact that it is naturally beautiful, its flecked, and sparkly appearance makes it perfect for both decoration and construction. It’s durable, sustainable, versatile, and boasts resistance to heat and scratching unparalleled by most other materials. But to take care of your granite, it’s important to not fall for common misconceptions about the material. To separate…
Autumn is an excellent time of year to invest in a new kitchen or renovate existing space for cooking hearty meals throughout the winter months. As the leading provider of granite kitchen countertops in Horsham and surrounding areas, our team of renovation experts has helped to enhance hundreds of kitchens throughout the Philadelphia region. Three key components make a kitchen stand out…